Wednesday, September 27, 2017

The Miracle of Life

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Once upon a time, there was a healthy, active young man who lived with his wife and children in a small town in Kentucky. He was a hard-worker and loved is family, his friends and his Lord.  

One day out of the blue (about a year ago), he got sick. Everybody thought he just had a bad cold so he ate some chicken noodle soup and went to bed. The next day he could hardly stand up. The doctors said, "You're really sick," and they sent him PDQ to a big, fancy hospital down the road. 

Before anybody realized what was happening, he was knocked out cold and was placed on a breathing machine. He had wires and tubes coming from everywhere. And there he stayed for what seemed like forever. 

Doctors came and doctors went.  CT scans. XRays. Blood work. IV fluids. Monitors. And the family stayed by his side watching and waiting and praying that he would survive. 

Besides his lungs, one by one organ systems went haywire. His kidneys. His liver. His pancreas. His gall bladder. His intestines. And, most scary of all, his heart. Still more doctors came and went. Still the family watched and waited and prayed. 

Then just as suddenly as it all started, it began to improve. One by one his organs started functioning properly again and he began to breathe on his own. Yes, even his heart rebounded and showed absolutely no sign of having gone haywire. About a week after it started, it was all over leaving him weak and his family exhausted. 

Now the young man is again hard at work, enjoying his family and friends and his Lord. He looks back at this ordeal with humility and gratitude knowing that God had heard the prayers of many people on his behalf. If you were to put him in a line-up with other men his age and ask someone to pick out the one who had been knocking on heaven's door, he would likely not be the one chosen. For he is once again the picture of health. 

Lord, thank you for sparing the life of my first born son. Thank you for all the medical professionals who nurtured and cared for him while he was so sick. Thank you, as well, for all of the people who came to visit, who brought food, who loved on us, and who prayed diligently for him. I am amazed that it has now been one year and that he remains so very healthy. Thank you so much!

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