Thursday, September 28, 2017

Bumps in the Road

Thursday, September 28, 2017

I don't really much like it when I'm driving down the road and suddenly come across a speed bump or a pothole or a deer.... If I see the obstacle in time, it makes me slow down and pay attention. If I don't see it, I run the risk of it hurting my car! I know sometimes they are there to protect me or someone else, like if I'm driving too fast in a heavily populated residential area, but I still don't like them. 

Yesterday I wrote about a bump in the road regarding the health of my son. Everything pretty much came to a screeching halt for a few days and then slowly got back to normal. 

What are some other life issues that make us slow down, stop, or wreck? And what can we learn from them?
  • personal health
  • relationship issues
  • financial issues 
  • school
  • death of a loved one
  • loss of employment
  • depression
  • birth of a child
  • natural disasters 
Sometimes bumps slow us down, stop us, or totally derail us. Sometimes we have absolutely no control over the effect they have on us. But sometimes our response is totally dependent on us. 

During the times that I tend to focus on myself, the obstacles seem to be more overwhelming. It's hard to breathe. It's hard to put one foot in front of the other. Indeed, it can seem pretty hopeless. 

During the times in my life when I am more focused on the Lord and His ways, the obstacles don't seem so insurmountable. They can still be pretty difficult. But God ultimately pulls me through. 

The one thing that I hang on to is the possibility that one day I might run into someone who is experiencing a similar experience and I might be able to help. I try not to compare stories, really, but instead to express empathy and perhaps to share some Scripture that helped me. 

Lord, I know You care about the speed bumps we face. Use them to grow us into the mature Christians we need to be. And help us to use our experiences to bring You glory. 

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