Thursday, September 7, 2017

Life's Storms

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Once upon a time there was a young lady who loved the Lord. She was a bright and creative woman and enjoyed life to the fullest. She enrolled in the university in order to pursue her career dreams and carried an 18 hour load. She spent two afternoons a week tutoring underprivileged children at the local Boys and Girls Club. She sang in the church choir and taught Sunday School for the second graders. Life was good. 

One day, out of the blue, a storm hit. She was tossed to and fro relentlessly. She wasn't sure exactly what to do and she felt as though she were going to sink. 

The Lord spoke to her and consoled her, extending His hand in reassurance. She stepped toward Him, focusing on His lovely eyes. Everything around her seemed distant and meaningless. He was the most important thing in the world. 

Suddenly she came to her senses and recognized the turmoil of her raging life entangling her feet. Helplessly she began to succumb to panic and fear. Deeper and deeper it pulled her, swirling around her knees and then her waist, threatening to squeeze the life right out of her. 

At the last minute she looked back at the Lord whose outstretched hand was ready to rescue her. He whisked her safely away from danger and held her securely in His arms. 

"Sweet child. Why did you doubt me? You have been doing all the things I lead you to do but you took your eyes off of me and tried to do it yourself. You are powerless without me, dear one. Never forget that I am with you always. Always. Stay focused. You're okay."

See Matthew 14:22-33 

Lord, help us to remember to keep our eyes trained on You. Without You we are adrift on life's sea. Without you we are truly worthless. You are our strength and our hope. You are our reason to live. We love You, Lord. 

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