Wednesday, September 6, 2017

I don't understand anxiety.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

"Have you ever seen a million dollars?"
"Well, just because you've never seen it doesn't mean it doesn't exist."

This is an interchange between Dr. Miller and Charlie in " The Santa Clause." And it could apply to many things besides the existence of the Jolly Old Fat Man (who, in fact, does NOT exist so humor me here).

I've never experienced a panic attack. But that doesn't mean they aren't very real -- and terrifying. 

I've never had a seizure or a heart attack or triplets (not that triplets are in and of themselves terrifying but the thought of sending them through college might be).

So do I dismiss anxiety, epilepsy, heart disease or multiple births as insignificant or perhaps even as unreal? Of course not. They are all well-documented phenomena. 

Is there something I can do to help someone with anxiety?

Many times people who come unglued because of anxiety have a very diminished view of themselves. Even though you might see them as bright, creative, and caring, they might feel stupid, useless, and disappointing. So find reasons and creative ways to build them up. 

Ask tender questions to see how they are doing. And truly listen to what they have to say. You don't necessarily need to try to "fix" anything. Sometimes you just need to hear them out. 

After hearing their needs and concerns, pray specifically for them. The Lord knows how help them but we need to faithfully lift them up to Him in prayer. 
Pray Scripture on their behalf. Many times they are very familiar with what the Bible says about worry but they have a hard time implementing it in their lives. Pray those verses for them. 

One thing that I have found that does NOT help is using reason to combat anxiety. It usually isn't rational. Most people can't make themselves not be afraid of snakes or spiders or heights so why would we expect to rationalize any other anxieties away. 

Lord, although I can't relate to debilitating anxiety, I know that for many people it is very real. Help me to be empathetic toward them. Help me to be supportive of them. Provide for them, Lord, in very special ways and give them peace. 

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