Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Let God Handle It: Health

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

It was just about a year ago that my family faced the very real possibility that we would lose our oldest son to a serious infection. He spent several days on a ventilator and our lives were put in hold. 

In a state of limbo we prayed and waited. There was nothing else to do. 

Thankfully he got better. Six weeks later we were able to travel to Green Bay to see our Packers fall to his Cowboys. And now, over a year has passed and he suffers no ill-effects. God handled it. 

On the other hand, I remember very vividly the day my mother received two different cancer diagnoses on the same day. I was in a meeting at work when I got the news. My colleagues expressed their sympathies -- which gave me pause. 

We tackled these medical hurdles with determination, pursuing radiation, chemotherapy and blood transfusions, all the while trusting that God was in control. We spent a lot of time together enjoying life. We took a few trips. But ultimately it was God's design to take my mother home. 

Mother died about a month before our son got sick, making his illness that much more scary. But we didn't panic with either of their situations. We trusted the Lord and He provided everything we needed. And still does. 

Health can sometimes be tricky. I'd love to live my life free of illnesses, but it's not possible. And the longer we live, the more likely we will face chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, or debilitating problems like Alzheimer's, or stroke, or heart attack. But does that mean that we should curl up on the couch and suck our thumbs and succumb to our debilitations? I don't think so. We should do all the things our doctors advise us to do and trust God to handle it. We should look to each day as a gift and find a way to bless God in it. 

We should always focus on God.
We should step forward under His direction. 
We should give Him the glory for His provision in our lives. 

Lord, sometimes we don't understand why some people get sick and live while others die. Sometimes there just doesn't seem to be a rhyme or reason. Help us to put our trust in you no matter what the situation and to rely on You to provide according to Your will. Help us to let you handle it. 

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