Tuesday, January 30, 2018

The Giant Redwoods

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Have you ever seen a redwood tree in person? It’s hard to imagine how massive they are. They can grow to be over 300 feet — taller than the length of a football field. 


Can you imagine what the root system might look like in a redwood forest? I’ve always thought that you can expect to see a mirror image of a tree’s trunk and branches above ground reflected underground. But not so for the redwoods. Their roots are really very shallow — like six or seven feet deep! So how is it possible for these giants to withstand wind and other elements with such shallow roots?


Redwood roots may grow out 100 feet from the trunk, interlacing with the roots of its neighbors and establishing an immovable foundation. So there you go. 

What about us as Christians? How deep are our roots? Some would suggest that by being strongly involved with other believers — doing Bible studies together and sharing life with each other — that our roots get intricately intertwined and we help hold each other up. By studying together, doing missions and ministries together, praying for each other and encouraging each other, we become a part of each others’ root system. 

LORD, thank you for the spiritual giants in our lives whose roots we have been able to interlink with. Help us to be a giant to a younger seedling in the faith. Help us to support and encourage each other and to become strongly rooted in You. 

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