Thursday, April 19, 2018
Is leadership a talent or a spiritual gift? Perhaps it can be either one.
Look at Peter. He was a fisherman when the Lord called him. We can assume he was a leader in his vocation because he became a leader among the disciples. We know he was a bit impulsive. And we know he was at a total loss at what to do after Jesus died.
But what happened to him at Pentecost? Once he was filled with the Holy Spirit, he became a bold and effective leader in the early church.
What about leaders in the church today? Our particular church has several — ministerial staff, Sunday School director, missions coordinator, deacon chairman, etc. Without the expertise of these individuals, we wouldn’t be as effective in our overall ministry. God uses them to help us bring glory to Him.
Can we all be leaders in the church? I don’t think so. Stay tuned for tomorrow’s entry.

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