Monday, April 30, 2018

Put on the Lord’s Armor

Be Strong in the Lord
verse 2
lyrics by Linda Lee Johnson
Monday, April 30, 2018

So put on the armor the Lord has provided,
And place your defense in his unfailing care.
Trust Him for He will be with you in battle,
Lighting your path to avoid every snare.

Be strong, be strong, be strong in the Lord;
And be of good courage, for He is your guide.
Be strong, be strong, be strong in the Lord;
And rejoice for the vict'ry is yours.

God doesn’t send us out to battle unprepared. He provides a defensive coat of armor to protect us from the enemy’s weapons. His armor protects our head, our heart, our feet and our innerds — all vitally important in battle. 

God also lights our pathway so that we can see where we are going and what is out there. 

Most importantly, He gives us the Holy Spirit to be with us in battle. And His hand guides the way for us. 

Lord, thank you for fighting with us. Thank you for winning the battles for us. May we always give you the glory even in the midst of the war.

Sunday, April 29, 2018

April 29, 2018 Memory Verse

Focus this week on:

You, Lord, are forgiving and good,
abounding in love to all who call to you.
Psalm 86:5

We truly cannot quantify the love that God has for us.
It is unfathomable.
And we don't deserve it, do we?
Still, He loves us unconditionally.
He is forgiving.
He is good.
He is love.
Call on Him today.

Saturday, April 28, 2018

The Church Gathering

Saturday, April 28, 2018

August 2013 Journal Entry 
by Maggie

It’s been a big day — and a fun one. But I’m worn out!

My Alpha and Oma spent a fair amount of time in the cooking room for the past two days. Not only is that exciting because it smells sooooo good, but also because Oma likes to slip us little samples when Alpha isn’t looking. I keep thinking she is going to get caught but either she hasn’t yet or my Alpha is playing dumb. 

We loaded up this afternoon — smoothskins in the front with us and tantalizing goodies in the trunk — and went to the big building on the hill. There were lots of smoothskins there and quite a few barkers, too. We got to make some new friends — who, by the way, slipped us a few goodies like Oma does. Good people, these smoothskins. 

We went around and talked to everybody. I used my refined manners. And I think we were a hit. 

Afterwards when we got home, Oma gave us some new squeakers. I love these things. It’s a game for me to see how quickly I can evicerate them to get the squeaker out. I’m pretty good at it. But Alpha wishes I would clean up after myself. 

Yes. It’s been a good day and I’m ready to hit the hay!

Friday, April 27, 2018

Tithes and Offerings

Friday, April 27, 2018

How many times have we been in a church service and heard a prayer regarding the "tithes and offerings?" Have you ever thought about the difference between the two? It's really quite simple. All of God's children are instructed to give a tenth of their "firstfruits" to the Lord. That is a tithe. Giving above and beyond that is an offering.

Why give a tenth off of the top?
  • It is an act of obedience to the Lord -- and He typically knows what He is doing.
  • It is an act of faith -- that the rest of the money is going to be enough to make ends meet.
  • It causes us to be better stewards of our finances, having to live off of what's left.
  • God blesses the tithe and the tither.
Sometimes tithing hurts. Especially when you consider the following possible scenario.
  • $1000 earned
  • -$100 tithed
  • -$300 paid in taxes
So for every $1000 earned, only $600 goes to the family's expenses. That's why it's important to make a budget and to plan for this from the very beginning. It means only spending what you have and not running up a big credit card debt. (What's the old saying? I've stopped preaching and gone to meddling.)  

This coming Sunday, April 29, we are doing something interesting at First Baptist in Richmond. We are passing the plate twice in each worship service. One is for the regular tithe and the other is for a special offering. The church has an operations budget which depends on the tithes of its members to cover. The special offering this week is to pay off the debt for the church building. We are amazingly close to being debt free and we are hoping that this little surge will get us there. Imagine what we could save for and what we could accomplish financially if we didn't have this ball and chain around our neck anymore. 

I think once we make it, we should collectively call Dave Ramsey and give a big cheer, "We're debt free!"

Thursday, April 26, 2018

One Tenth

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Once upon a time there was a young girl who learned very early that it was important to give the Lord a tenth of whatever she earned. When she started babysitting she kept a careful record of how much she made so that she could tithe it to the church. Later when she got a "real" job in the community, she continued to diligently tithe what she made.

One day her mother got a call from their pastor who was quite puzzled about a check the church had received in the mail. It was from this young woman, now a college student, and was for an odd amount of money -- and a larger sum than the pastor would have expected. "It's actually not surprising at all," her mother said. "She just received a scholarship check and this is the tithe amount."  

Later still the young woman, now a newlywed, surveyed the budget with her husband. "I don't see how we can afford to tithe this month," he said. "We can't afford NOT to," was her response. And from that day forward she and her husband and later their children and their children's children all gave the Lord a tenth of what they made. 

LORD, help us to recognize that you are the source of our prosperity. You provide everything that we need. And it is an act of faith for us to give a tenth of that income back to your ministry. Help us to be diligent and to be cheerful in so giving.

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Single Moms Oil Change

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Last week we looked at various gifts of the Spirit. Today I'd like to talk about these gifts used in Body of Christ, that is the Church, to bring glory to God. 

Take the Single Moms Oil Change for example.

Years ago, one of the guys at church saw a need in our community and a method by which our church could meet that need. Over the years we have gotten a lot of practice with it and now this is sort of how it goes.

Saturday morning a single mother who need to have her car's oil changed will go up to First Baptist and get in line. Someone will move her car through the various check points while she (and sometimes her children) go inside. As the car makes its way to the oil changing station and has its tires checked, someone from the State Police post checks any car seats to be sure they are installed correctly. Meanwhile, mom is greeted at the door and escorted to the fellowship hall where she can browse for clothing for herself or her children and can get something to eat. The children are whisked off to a fun place to play and eat while mom relaxes in the fellowship hall and gets to chat with women from the church who are focusing on her and her needs. 

By the time her car is finished, her emotional, physical and spiritual tank will be filled as well.

How does all of this happen? Well it takes a lot of planning and lots of people to pull it off. There are coordinators for the drivers, the oil changers, the tire checkers, the traffic coordinators, the greeters, the kitchen crew, the childcare crew, the clothing crew, the hostesses, and the follow up team. There are leaders and there are followers. There people who are gregarious and bubbly who like to talk to the women and there are quiet workers who would rather organize things or get their hands dirty. There are old people. There are young people. There are men. There are women. But they all have one thing in common. They love the Lord and want to minister to people in the community.

How do you see the Lord using His people to accomplish His ministry? What examples do you have?

Thank you, Lord, for using us to do your work. Thank you that we are willing to be used. Show us things that we can do to utilize the gifts you gave us. And may we bring glory to you as a result.

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

She needs a home.

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

I don’t know about you but I have a dog-sized hole in my heart. It’s a very flexible hole which can conform to small or large dogs of just about any pedigree. It has on three occasions allowed cats to live there. And it might even adjust to a horse-sized hole, although I’ve never had one to confirm that theory.

Currently my dog-sized hole is home to Cassie and Bennie and their two feline siblings, Punkin and Maci (aka the devil-cat). Last night when I climbed into bed, Cassie, Bennie and Punkin snuggled right in there with me like one big happy family. 

Every so often I learn of a critter that has fallen on hard times and needs a new home. My sweet Maggie was one of those. Cassie, Henney, Punkin, and Maci were homeless before they came to live with us. I’ve captured and relocated I’m-not-sure-how-many cats from around here and at least one other stray dog. 

Today I know of a little bull dog named Zoey that is currently in a foster home in Berea, KY. She really needs to find a loving family to take her in. She shouldn’t be with small children or other dogs right now. She just needs to be the queen bee, so to speak. And she needs lots of love. 

So since our home is not the right one for this fur baby, I’m hoping you will help find her one. Please pass this along if you can. Or let me know if you’d like to have her. 


Monday, April 23, 2018

Be Strong and Courageous

Monday, April 23, 2018
Be strong in the Lord, and be of good courage;
Your mighty Defender is always the same.
Mount up with wings, as the eagle ascending;
Vict'ry is sure you call on His name.
Be strong, be strong, be strong in the Lord;
And be of good courage, for He is your guide.
Be strong, be strong, be strong in the Lord;
And rejoice for the vict'ry is yours.
lyrics by: Linda Lee Johnson 
 I want to be strong. I want to move the furniture whenever I see the need. I want to pick up a big bag of dog food and toss it in my cart at the grocery store. I want to hike up a mountain and not get winded. Well, in order to do all those things, I must be in good shape. I must eat right, exercise, and use good back mechanics. I can't expect to live like a couch potato and have any strength to speak of.

Likewise with spiritual things, I want to be strong. I want to face life's difficulties with stamina and direction. I want to stand firm on what I believe and to make God proud of me. Well, I can't do that unless I know His word and trust in Him. Head knowledge without faith is a little like being a couch potato.  

The Bible doesn't say "if" things get rough. James says "when." We can expect hard times because of who we are -- or more specifically because of who God is. But that's okay. We have Him on our side. He is the source of our strength and our courage. He gives us His power to be victorious.

Lord, thank you for loving us so much that you will stand in the gap for us. You will fight our battles for us if we will let you. Help us yield to you. Help us to do your will and to rejoice when you reign victorious over all.

Sunday, April 22, 2018

April 22, 2018 - Memory Verse

April 22, 2018

Focus this week on 

"For I know the plans I have for you,"
declares the Lord,
"plans to prosper you and not to harm you,
plans to give you hope and a future."
Jeremiah 29:11 NIV

God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life.
His plans are for good and not for evil.
His ways are wonderful and our peace is in Him.
There is no future except in the Lord.

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Important Spiritual Gifts

Saturday, April 21, 2018

 by Bill Wright

Director of Senior Adult Ministries

First Baptist Church

Richmond, KY


The time was the early 1970’s. Those were the days of David Carradine, Chuck Norris and Bruce Lee with flying fists and feet. Karate and Judo studios were opening for business across the land, including the small town in which I lived. So like a multitude of other young men of my age, I signed up for Karate lessons with visions of daring deeds such as breaking concrete blocks or defending innocent victims. And in the process if I impressed some young lady, that would be okay too. After all, that’s the way it worked in the movies. 


However, as I studied and practiced I discovered something very important. While I could become adept at moves, kicks, punches and could increase strength and flexibility, I still faced the limit of natural athletic ability. My months of instruction were profitable for me but I realized that I would be wise to never step into a ring with Bruce Lee. That would not end well. I was not gifted with the speed, agility and reflexes of an elite athlete. 


The Bible instructs us that the disciple of Jesus has natural talents but also is gifted for service to Christ in specific ways. Paul wrote to the Corinthian church that “There are varieties of gifts but the same Spirit…But one and the same Spirit works in all these things, distributing to each one individually just as he wills. (I Corinthians 12:4 & 11 NASB


The Holy Spirit works through the life of each believer in a variety of ways in order to accomplish his good work based on his infinite wisdom. 


Yet too often disciples of Jesus make the mistake of comparing their place of service with another and in doing so undervaluing their own gift or that of the other. This never ends well. Pride, jealousy or discouragement waits at the end of that path. 


It is important to remember that the Spirit of God with his infinite wisdom has gifted each of us as he determined best for the common goodThere is no unimportant person or gift. When we each embrace that reality then the body is unified, is strengthened and is most effective. 


Today, give thanks for your gifts of service and commit to allow God to use them well in and through your life for His purpose. 


Friday, April 20, 2018

The Gift of Helps

Friday, April 20, 2018

Yesterday we briefly talked about the Gift of Leadership and I ended with the question, “Can we all be leaders in the church?”

Have you ever been a part of a big family gathering where three generations of strong-willed women came together in the kitchen to fix dinner? Yikes! Not a place for the faint of heart!

The church doesn’t need a kitchen full of leaders. 

What is does need is leaders and helpers who are comfortable in their roles and who can carry out the Lord’s ministry in harmony. People to organize. People to do. 

Gifted helpers reach out to the downtrodden. They see a need and take care of it. They might build a ramp for the entrance to someone’s home. They might mow a sick person’s yard. They might be a crew leader at Vacation Bible School. They might help paint the church foyer. They might operate a television camera at church. They might do any number of things behind the scenes that really need to be done. 

We can all help in one way or another. But only the spiritually gifted have a true attitude of humility and grace as they encourage the Body of Christ through helping others. And all for the glory of God. 

Thursday, April 19, 2018

The Gift of Leadership

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Is leadership a talent or a spiritual gift? Perhaps it can be either one. 

Look at Peter. He was a fisherman when the Lord called him. We can assume he was a leader in his vocation because he became a leader among the disciples. We know he was a bit impulsive. And we know he was at a total loss at what to do after Jesus died. 

But what happened to him at Pentecost? Once he was filled with the Holy Spirit, he became a bold and effective leader in the early church. 

What about leaders in the church today? Our particular church has several — ministerial staff, Sunday School director, missions coordinator, deacon chairman, etc. Without the expertise of these individuals, we wouldn’t be as effective in our overall ministry. God uses them to help us bring glory to Him. 

Can we all be leaders in the church? I don’t think so. Stay tuned for tomorrow’s entry. 

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

The Gift of Prophecy

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

The gift of prophecy is simply a message from God for the people. Sure, it can mean the "foretelling" of future events. We can look to Isaiah, Jonah, Joseph, Daniel and others in the Old Testament for these types of prophecies. But it can also mean the explanation of Scripture or the delivery of a word from the Lord to His people.

So does that mean that meteorologists are prophets from God? Well, no. Although no doubt some of them are Christians, their predictions of future weather events come from scientific sources. 

But have you ever read a piece of Scripture that you knew God was trying to tell you something through? Yet you just couldn't quite get what He might be saying? Then you mention it to someone who has the wisdom to tell you exactly what it means? That is prophecy.

Or how about this? A young child reads the following Scripture and looks to the Sunday School teacher for interpretation:

Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.
Exodus 20:16

Explaining that this is just a fancy way of saying, "Tell the truth," is actually a type of prophecy.

When you come away from a worship service and tell the pastor that you really needed to hear the sermon that day, understand that you have just received God's word to you through His messenger. That is prophecy.

God speaks to His people all the time. Sometimes we hear Him and sometimes we don't. Sometimes His message is for our ears only. And sometimes it is for someone else's. That is prophecy.

So what do you think? Do you have the gift of prophecy?

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

The Gift of Hospitality

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Sometimes when we think of Spiritual Gifts we think of Sunday School teachers and church pastors. If they are effective in their positions, then they most likely have the gift of teaching or exhortation. But regular, ordinary, behind-the-scenes people can be gifted with spiritual abilities as well.

At our Single Moms Oil Change, we have ladies assigned to sit with the Moms and to chat with them as they wait for their car to be serviced. They spend some quality time with the Moms and help them feel welcome. Without them the day would be pretty boring. With them, the Moms come away feeling nurtured and loved. This is hospitality.

Whenever we have a death in our church, we like to serve a meal to the family as a way of showing our respect and love for them and their loved one. There is a team of women who take this on as their labor of love. They organize people to bring dishes and they put together wonderful dinners. As a result, the bereaved family does not have to think about cooking and can visit with each other in a relaxed and quiet environment. This is hospitality.

Have you visited a church and were greeted at the door with a warm handshake and a smile? That is hospitality. 
Show hospitality to one another without grumbling. As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace:
I Peter 4:9-10
Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.
Hebrews 13:2
We can all be hospitable toward each other -- some of us find that more easy to do than others. But only certain people are gifted with hospitality. It is their method for ministering to believers and unbelievers. It is their way to bring glory to the Lord.

Monday, April 16, 2018

Spiritual Gifts vs Talents

Monday, April 16, 2018

What would you think about spending the next few days exploring the topic of spiritual gifts? I’m no expert by any means. But it might be interesting to see where we go on this topic. 

First of all, is there a difference between a spiritual gift and a talent? Well, here’s what I told my Bible Study class yesterday morning. 

I’ve always thought of talents as being God-given at the time of birth. They are things that come easily to us — like math (me) or art (daddy) or carrying on a conversation with a fencepost (mother). They are things that parents look for in their children so that they can be developed either into a vocation or into a creative outlet. 
And spiritual gifts are God-given at re-birth (i.e. when people give their lives to Christ). They are also things that come easily to us — like standing up in front of people and explaining the Word of God (Bill), or being a hostess at the Single Moms Oil Change (Jessica), or teaching children in a Sunday School class (Klecenda). They are things that believers look for so that they can use them to bring glory to God.

Does God give us talents or gifts at random? No. He has each one of us and our unique personalities in mind as he graces us with them. He doesn't typically give a pessimist the gift of encouragement. But it might make perfect sense to bless a shy, intelligent person with a talent in chemistry so that he or she can be a research leader.

Talents and spiritual gifts are things to be celebrated and not feared. God knows exactly what He is doing. He wants us to be happy and fulfilled in this life and He wants to be glorified in the process. 

So what are some of the spiritual gifts and how are we to use them. Stay tuned this week as we look at a few of them.

Sunday, April 15, 2018

April 15, 2018

Focus this week on 



The LORD is my light and my salvation —

whom shall I fear? 

The LORD is the stronghold of my life —

of whom shall I be afraid? 

Psalm 27:1 NIV

  • light
  • salvation
  • stronghold
Since God provides these things for us, fear has no victory in our lives. 

Memorize it. 

Live like you mean it.

Saturday, April 14, 2018

What’s Your Story?

Saturday, April 14, 2018

I shared a bit about Will’s birth story yesterday. Bill went into a little more detail on his FaceBook post. Birthday’s are definitely worth celebrating. 

What about your spiritual re-birth? Do you celebrate it? 

I can’t tell you the exact date, but it was about this time of year when I was nine years old that I gave my life to Christ. 

One day at school I was unable to go outside to play for recess. I stayed in our classroom with a couple of other children. One of them was being disciplined for something — he had to clean all the desks. Well in my nine-year-old mind, his punishment didn’t quite fit the crime. He was getting off pretty easy. So I got out my crayons and marked heavily on my desk and said, “now let’s see you clean THAT off.” 

He and the other children were horrified at what I had done. And how mean it was. But they weren’t nearly as horrified as I was when I realized that our class was on its way back to our room. I was toast. 

I was so ashamed of what I had done. I was unkind. I was bad. And God used that to show me that I could have forgiveness because of Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross. A couple of days later I gave my life to Christ and accepted His forgiveness for being so bad. 

One thing lead to another and here I am 50 years later still amazed at how the Lord changed my life and how He has blessed me beyond measure. 

My birth story involves a desk, some crayons, and the innocent heart of a nine-year-old. What is your birth story? How has Christ changed you? How is He changing you now?

Friday, April 13, 2018

Happy Birthday, Will

Friday, April 13, 2018

Every year on our children’s birthdays, I tell their birth story at dinner. I want each of them to know the particulars of how they arrived because each one was a special event. 

Will was our foreign missions baby. I was planning to go to Africa for three months and had everything all ready to go. Nine days before my departure, the International Mission Board contacted me to say that the rules had changed in Africa and my paperwork was no longer in order. There wouldn’t be sufficient time to correct it before I was to leave. So they cancelled my trip. I sat on the back deck and just cried out to the Lord in sorrow. Three days later I realized I was pregnant with Will. 

(Fourteen years later I took that boy on a mission trip to Africa. It was a time he and I will never forget.)

Will’s arrival into this world was fairly uneventful. He was no small child at 8 pounds 11 ounces. Although he was born on the 13th day of the month, it was a Monday and not a Friday like his mother’s birth. 

All four grandparents were there when Will was born. They were so excited. Daddy took one look at Will’s full head of hair and decided he looked like a Precious Moments doll. So he went out and bought one for him. Bill’s mom and dad suddenly had to drive to Bowling Green once a week which we loved because they always came with a package of diapers and other goodies. 

Now this sweet baby is 31 years old and has a family of his own. He is more precious to me now than ever before. I am so glad God gave him to us. He makes the world a better place. 

Thursday, April 12, 2018

April 12th In History

Thursday, April 12, 2018

On this date in 1861, the Civil War officially began. That war would last for four long years, pitting brother against brother and nearly dividing our country in two. 

On this date in 1937, British aviator, Sir Frank Whittle, successfully tested the first aircraft jet engine. 

April 12, 1947 saw the births of David Letterman and Tom Clancy. 

In 1961, Soviet Cosmonaut, Yuri Garagin, became the first person the successfully travel into space and back again. His trip lasted 108 minutes from launch to landing. 

John Young and Bob Crippen were the first to travel in a space shuttle. Columbia flew for the first time April 12-14, 1981. 

On April 12, 1988, “The Last Emperor” won nine Academy Awards. It was the first time a movie won in every category for which it was nominated. 

On Sunday, April 12, 1987, Rich Pond Baptist Church hosted a baby shower for Bill and me. Little did we know that Will would make his grand entrance less than 24 hours later. 

Who knows. Maybe we will look back on today and celebrate something that takes place in it. Enjoy your day. Make it memorable.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Barbershop Quartets on Eight-track Tapes

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

I’d like to know who sits around and figures out what national-day-of (blank) we should celebrate every day. I want that job. 

Today is National Barbershop Quartet Day and National Eight-track Tape Day. All we need now is an eight-track of a barbershop quartet — and something to play it on — and we’ll be all set. 

I can remember having an eight track player / stereo / recorder combination back in the seventies. I would listen to Casey Kasem’s “American Top Forty” with my big headphones on — complete with spiral 15-foot cord — and record each of the songs very carefully. Then I would replay the tape with my boyfriend in his 1966 Mustang. 

Those were the days, I guess. 

“The Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barbershop Quartet Singing in America” was founded in Tulsa, Oklahoma on April 11, 1938. I’m not real sure who decided we should commemorate that day but, hey, I like to celebrate about as much as the next person. So let’s have a party. 

Does Pandora have barbershop quartet music? My co-workers will think I have lost my mind!

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

The Response to the Sun

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

When we have these funny little “winters” in the springtime, we sometimes wonder about the crocuses, daffodils, tulips and flowering deciduous trees. Will they survive the spring snowfalls? And why do they bloom before it really gets warm anyway?

I did a little research about this yesterday and, while I won’t bore you with the details, it was quite fascinating. I didn’t exactly find what I expected, though. Sometimes research is like that. 

Did you know that the buds on cherry trees actually form in the summer prior their blossoming in the spring? Their development is directly linked to the long sunny days of summer. Fall and winter bring shorter days and the protective cycle of dormancy. And then two things cause them to burst out in the spring — the sun and warm temperatures. If their blooming were solely dependent on the sun (and longer days), then Washington’s Cherry Blossom Festival could be scheduled fairly accurately to coincide with their peaks. Oh, well. 

Bulbs respond similarly to warmer and more sunny days. Unseasonably warm days in February inevitably produce early flowers. But we shouldn’t worry about them. They have endured spring cold snaps for who-knows-how-long. 

Well, all this reading about warmth and sunshine and nature’s response made me think about Christians. Now this, like a lot of analogies, will only go so far. So don’t be too critical. 

I think we as believers can go through growth cycles. Sometimes the Holy Spirit is developing things inside us that we aren’t really aware of. Sometimes we go through periods of relative dormancy. And sometimes we are visibly blossoming and growing. Our roots are going deeper and we are getting stronger and more resilient. 

Unlike the vegetation in our back yards, though, Christians must chose to let the Son work in our lives. Our growth is not passive. The Lord is ready and willing to grow us. But we have to let Him do His thing. 

Father, may we live as in a greenhouse — always growing — always blooming — always dependent on you to be our source of life. And May our blossoms ever bring You great joy.

Monday, April 9, 2018

The Five (or Six) Little Winters of Spring

Monday, April 9, 2018

Bill’s mother had names for all these little snows in springtime but I never can remember what order they come in or what to call them. Turns out their names have to do with whatever is happening at the time of the cold snap. 
  • redbud
  • dogwood
  • locust 
  • blackberry
  • linsey woolsey britches
  • whippoorwill 
These little winters are most prevalent in our southern states and might have a different order or a different expected date depending on the location. 

Generally speaking, the first four are named according to what is blooming and tend to be in early to late April. Linsey woolsey britches winter refers to the linen and wool long underwear that could be stashed once it’s over. And whippoorwill winter occurs well into May and might bring temperatures into the forties. This is when the birds are typically out calling for a mate. 

So there you have it. Looks like we are only in redbud winter, y’all. We’ve got a little ways to go. So hang in there. Don’t put up the linsey woolseys or the electric blankets quite yet.

Sunday, April 8, 2018

April 8, 2018 - Memory Verse

April 8, 2018


Focus this week on 



Come to me, all you who are weary 

and burdened, and I will give you rest. 

Take my yoke upon you 

and learn from me, 

for I am gentle and humble in heart, 

and you will find rest for your souls. 

For my yoke is easy 

and my burden is light.

Matthew‬ ‭11:28-30‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Have you ever spent a day working in the yard by yourself? At first your energy level is high but it dwindles as the day goes by. And something that would take only a few minutes if you had another set of hands, takes forever. 

Jesus doesn’t want us to go through our days alone. He wants to be that second set of hands. He wants to share our burdens with us so that we can enjoy walking with Him.