Monday, January 2, 2017

Top 10 Resolutions: Get Organized

Top 10 New Year's Resolutions:
Get Organized

Why do we want to get organized? Chaos takes a whole lot less energy, you know. It is a lot easier to just let things get cluttered and messy than to try to keep them in order. For instance, why should I make my bed up every morning when I’m just going to get back in it at night? That’s five more minutes I could spend doing something else – like putting on makeup. I gotta say, though, that I do get a sense of satisfaction out of having a made bed. There’s peace in there somewhere. And that’s why I think we want to be more organized – it brings a sense of accomplishment, peace and well-being.

This is an interesting website full of checklists, ideas, and challenges. Here's an interesting commentary about the site: I find it to be unusually cluttered and busy. I'm not sure I want to take advice from them or not. 

I expected this to be a typical store website. Instead I was pleasantly surprised to find information and suggestions in a well-designed format. Granted, their options for getting organized are centered around using their products. But that is to be expected. 

Here are three topics I found from an Internet search about getting organized:
10 ways to de-clutter, 
100 organizing tips, and 
1000+ ways to get organized.
Really? Who's got the time to read a thousand tips?  Makes me want to hyperventilate! 

What about spiritual organization. (I'm assuming there is such a thing.)

Do you plan your quiet times, Bible study times, prayer times or corporate worship times? If you take the attitude that you’ll do them when you get around to it, then you’ll probably never do them or be sporadic about them at best. It’s kind of like when I see an old friend and say, “Let’s get together sometime for lunch.” Unless we break out our calendars and schedule a lunch appointment right then, it won’t happen. We have good intentions but life just takes over and before we know it a month has gone by and then we just forget about it. Our relationship with God shouldn’t be like that. We should decide when we are going to read and study and pray and worship and do it.

Lord, help me to use my time more wisely so that I can get better organized. You are not a God of chaos but of order. Help me to be more like you. By the same token, help me not to go overboard and to get so hung up on organization and planning that I get bent out of shape and miss the whole point – being at peace.


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