Monday, January 30, 2017

Let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow!

I Love a Good Snow!
January 30, 2017

I love snow! 
I've always loved snow!
When I look outside and see it coming down, I am likely to squeal, "It's SNOWing!" Just ask my husband and he'll say, "I don't know anybody who loves snow more than this girl."
It's true. 

Now, I don't love snow so much that I want to move to Oymyakon, Russia where the average winter temp is -50 degrees. I wouldn't even want to move to Syracuse for some good lake-effect snow. I'm satisfied to be in Kentucky where we might get a couple of good snows each winter. I guess that makes me a fair weather fan. I'm fine with that. 

So when it flurried off and on yesterday, I was tickled. And I thought, "is it a good thing that we have snow?"
“Like snow in summer or rain in harvest, honor is not fitting for a fool.”
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭26:1‬ ‭NIV‬‬
Among other things, this verse reminds me that it is appropriate for snow to fall in January. We shouldn't be surprised by it. It's natural. 

Plus, a good blanket of snow in the winter benefits farmers who are producing crops. It protects the winter plants from bitter cold. It prevents birds from carrying off seeds. And it provides water as it melts. 

Snow is good for outdoor play. We don't have any ski resorts nearby but children of all ages love to get outside and play in the snow. 

Snow makes a picturesque landscape right outside your window. It is clean and pure and totally covers all earthly blemishes. Admit it. Snow is beautiful!

I'm keenly aware that snow also causes headaches with school closures, traffic accidents (I hit an ambulance last year on the Interstate because of the snow), falls and subsequent broken bones, power outages, shoveling issues, etc. But instead of being distracted by those things, I chose to celebrate those six-sided wonders and gleefully sing, "Let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow!"

Lord, thank you for the different seasons and for the beauty that each one brings. Help us to look past the inconvenience of a little snowfall and to have fun with it. 


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