Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Romans 3:23

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

The first Scripture of the "Roman Road" is as follows:
For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.  Romans 3:23
Think about a person shooting arrows at a bull's eye.  Because of our sin, we are like arrows that fall to the ground short of the target. We just can't quite make it. 

Now, I know this passage says "all" have sinned. But does that really mean everybody? I mean, what about children? Are they sinners? 

Well, in my opinion, yes. Because of the fall of man, we are all born with sinful nature. Why else would toddlers be so selfish?   Or older children be so defiant? 

Here's a story for you. 

A gazillion years ago when I was 9 years old, I was a sickly little girl. Many times my teacher would take my classmates outside to play and I would have to stay inside. One particular day there was a young man who had to stay back during recess as punishment for something he had done. It was his job to clean all of the desks while his peers were outside having fun. 

I watched as he half-heartedly wiped down the desktops which really weren't all that dirty. So I decided I would make his punishment a little more meaningful. I took out my crayon box and made heavy marks on my desk for him to clean off. 

I can still remember how wide-eyed he was when he saw what I had done. 

But I can also remember the panic I felt when I realized my classmates were on their way back inside. Uh oh. Busted! And I was devastated. 

I had disappointed my friends and my teacher. I had let my parents down. And, as I learned at church that week, I had disappointed God. I realized that day that I was BAD!

I was 9 years old. But I KNEW I was an awful person. 

When sharing the Roman Road with someone, sometimes it's good to tell them your story about how you came to the realization that you didn't measure up to God's standards -- that you had fallen short of the glory of God. It doesn't have to be a complicated story. Just trust the Holy Spirit to direct your thoughts and words and share from your heart. 

Lord, thank you for your Holy Spirit who convicts us of our sin. Help us to be your instruments as we share the gospel so that others may come to you. 


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