Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Happy Birthday to Patrick

Tuesday, June 6, 2017


Twenty-eight years ago today, I woke up like Anya other day. A friend of mine came over to help me pack up my kitchen because we had just bought a new house and would be moving soon. My big, fat belly made it difficult for me to do much packing!

We had barely boxed up one set of cabinets when it hit me -- I was in labor. 

So I paged Bill and he called me from a pay phone at Mr. Gatti's. That's right. There were no cell phones at that time. And there used to be phones throughout the community that you could place a quarter in and call someone. Also we thought we were pretty cool to have been able to use a pager for our last trimester just in case I needed to reach Bill. 

Anyway, he left his lunch date with Stan Harwood and came flying home to take me to the Medical Center at Bowling Green. 

About 3 hours later we had Patrick. 

He was such a cute little boy. He was always on the top of the growth chart for height and weight (and head size). So by the time he was 18 months old, he was wearing the same size clothes as his brother who was 26 months older. 

Somewhere between 6 and 18, Patrick was, we'll say, a handful. I am so glad I didn't wring his neck because now he is an absolute joy and blessing. He has married a wonderful woman (Klecenda Curtis) who is very much like a sister to Lizzie. And he is a middle school teacher in Madison County (which is pretty funny when you consider what a challenge he was as a youth). 

So Happy Birthday, Patrick. Thank you for taking care of your daddy on your birthday. You are such a blessing. I'm glad to be your mom after all!

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