Saturday, June 2, 2018

Let the Celebrations Begin

Saturday, June 2, 2018

June 2014
from Maggie’s journal

My Smoothskins like to celebrate and this is the time of year for them to do it. Over the past few years I’ve seen it over and over again and have now come to expect it. Here’s a rundown of all the festivities on the horizon. 

My Hairless gets to celebrate first. He gets a dinner and a cake with I-don’t-know-how-many little fire sticks on top. And usually he makes a mess with some boxes and paper and discovers some sort of treasures inside. And everybody laughs a lot. 

Then The Girl gets a little time of her own. I’m not sure what this is all about because they don’t sing to her and she doesn’t get a big cake — just some little ones with sprinkles on top. They call this “a doxhund day” or something like that. One year she got some little horses to play with. One year she got a bunch of little bottles of claw paint. Pretty cute. 

One of the boys gets a cake next. He doesn’t have as many fire sticks on his cake as my Hairless does. Maybe more hair means fewer fire sticks. Or no hair means a whole bunch. I don’t know. 

Then there’s one day when all the daddies/granddaddies get to celebrate. 

Then the daddy of my Hairless gets a cake and then Mamaw gets one. But I think they stop putting fire sticks on theirs because it might set the house on fire. 

Then the celebrations are over until it gets cold outside and they put up the big tree in the living room. 

Yes, my smoothskins like to celebrate. I like to watch them. And I love to hear them laugh. 

1 comment:

  1. Love your family history! Milestones seem to be meaningful to we "Smoothskins"! Official celebrations and those quiet dates that go unspoken..all important to our Father.
