Seventeenth Day of Advent
Tuesday, December
19, 2017
Wherefore seeing we also
are compassed about with
so great a
cloud of witnesses,
let us lay aside every weight,
and the sin which doth
easily beset us,
and let us run with patience
the race that is set before us.
Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;
who for the joy that
was set before him
endured the cross,
despising thee shame,
and is set down at
the right hand
of the throne of God.
Hebrews 12:1-2
Don’t you just love to think about yourself in
light of the above verse? Isn’t it almost too good to be true to think that we
are “surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses?” I couldn’t comment about who
those witnesses are in this little devotional, but if you will go and read for
yourself, you’ll find that he is speaking about the many who have believed God
down through the ages, some whose names we know and some whom we do not know.
Some did great acts of courage, and they and their acts are recorded. Others
died – some of them horribly – for their faith, but their names are not
mentioned. In fact, the Hebrew account does not say how many, just that they
were many. Chapter 11 of Hebrews,
sometimes called the “Chapter of the Heroes of the faith,” is an inspiring
account of the faith.
That thought challenges me, encourages me, and
humbles me. Challenges me to do more to fit into such an elite group;
encourages me when I feel insignificant to know that they would include me in
their number; and humbles me to realize that my faith is probably severely
lacking when compared to theirs.
But there is more! We are told that Jesus is
the author of that faith. It was a gift from him; he thought of it. He
established it. He paid for it. The Revised Standard Bible says that he was the
pioneer; he, in other words blazed
the faith trail! But he also is the finisher,
and one who will complete what he has begun. What a comfort!
And then comes the “kicker.” He did all this,
even to going to the cross, for the joy that was before him! The joy
was not the cross! The joy was what the cross accomplished! His joy was knowing
that what he was going to do would purchase each of us who accepts his atoning
grace, so that he could present us faultless
to God! Imagine! Jesus is going to get great joy when he presents you and me to
God, faultless because of his vicarious suffering on that cruel cross!
Father, we are
so grateful that Jesus was willing to do everything necessary to bring us to
you – faultless! Thank you for sending him; thank you that he was willing to
come; thank you for the joy we bring to him by yielding to his Lordship! Thank
you for Christmas where the whole plan was born in a baby. Amen.
The Light of the World
prepared for Homosassa United Methodist Church, 2008,
by Patience Nave, Christian Education Coordinator.

prepared for Homosassa United Methodist Church, 2008,
by Patience Nave, Christian Education Coordinator.
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