Friday, January 27, 2017

Break the Cycle of Inactivity

Break the Cycle of Inactivity
January 27, 2017

I don't think anyone would look at my schedule and say that I'm lazy by any means. But when I get home from work during the week, there is a magnet pulling me with irresistible force to the recliner in my family room. And if a blanket finds its way over my legs, I'll be out like a light in about 2 seconds. This is a cycle that I could easily fall into -- work, vegetate, go to bed, repeat.

I think you will agree that being a couch potato is probably not very healthy. Muscles atrophy. Minds turn to mush. Bellies (and other body parts) expand. We should probably get up and do something. I always say I'll do that -- tomorrow.

Here is a very unscientific list of things to do to avoid inactivity or to start moving if inactivity has already set in.

I've always heard people who have trouble with alcohol addictions say that they have to avoid places that serve alcohol. Otherwise they are more prone to fall off the wagon. So if you are drawn to a particular place to vegetate after work, then do what you must to avoid it. 

My fitbit says I should do 30 minutes of some sort of exercise 5 times each week. So take Fido for a stroll. That will be better than nothing. Don't have a dog? Adopt one from the Humane Society!

Thursday afternoon I got an invitation to participate in an exercise class at church at 6:00. So I decided to do it. After all, today's blog was going to be about inactivity so I'd better practice what I preach. I thought I was going to DIE! I didn't, though. And I'm guessing that Friday will be a rather sore day for me. So now I've got to figure out how to keep that level of exercise going. Makes me tired just thinking about it.

Being active doesn't have to involve aerobics or organized exercise. Gardening is a good thing to do -- not in the winter, mind you. Woodworking. Sewing. Painting the bedroom. I don't know. Find something.

The 'blue light" from electronics (or something like that) is supposed to keep you awake at night. So you're not supposed to look at those things for an hour before you go to bed. If you're like me, I'm not doing those things unless I'm lying around. So maybe by avoiding them, I'll get up and do something useful.

Lots of organizations have things going on during the day. Others have things at night. So get involved with something. FBC in Richmond is always looking for missions leaders on Wednesday nights. Celebrate Recovery always needs volunteers for one thing or another on Thursday nights. Hope's Wings and the Pregnancy Help Center could use some help during the day as could the Compassionate Care Center. 

Whether you have a child in the school system or not, there is usually something going on at the high school throughout the year. It could be a ball game, a track meet, a band or choral concert, a cheer or dance competition, or a play. Get out and support your local kids.

I found a couple of things on the Internet that were pretty interesting. This blog is about a man who decided to get off the couch and clean up his life. It was pretty radical what he did to his house to get started.

This link is for a list of things to do to get off of the couch. I like it because it seems a little more thought-out than my off-the-top-of-my-head ideas above.

Whatever you do to avoid the couch potato, your body and your mind will likely thank you for it later.

LORD, thank you for these good ideas. Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 reminds us that there is a time for everything under heaven. Help us to discern the right time to work or play or rest or volunteer or clean the house or go hunting or whatever. Help us to be mindful of you no matter what we are doing. For you are our constant companion whatever we do. 


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