Tuesday, September 27, 2016

No Moles Today -- Maybe Tomorrow

Yesterday we learned about "Whack-a-Mole" in the ICU. Today we kinda cruised through the day with no real issues (moles) to address. 

Unless you consider being unable to wean Will off the ventilator to be a rodent. 

Bless his heart, he got so agitated when they tried to wean him. It was wearing him out. 
So they are going to try to do it again tomorrow. 

How can you pray?
  1. For Will to get some serious sleep tonight and to relax. 
  2. For peace and calm for him tomorrow as they try to get him off this machine. It is a bit frightening. And because of the drugs, it's hard to rationalize with him. He just needs to relax and follow directions. 
  3. For the doctors as they try to determine how to interpret his chest X-rays. There's a question about one spot that is puzzling. He might need a CAT scan tomorrow to determine more definitively what it is. And, of course, how to deal with whatever they find. (This is the one mole that I anticipate might try to pop up tomorrow.) 

God has blessed us countless times this week. Yes, Will is critically ill and we'd all rather be doing something -- just about anything -- else. But His hand has been on our son and on his healthcare team. Will is still getting better -- slowly. His doctors are all pleased with his progress. Thank you for your prayers, messages, hugs, and overwhelming love. We are blessed in spite of our situation!


  1. Praying for progress! Rest for Will and all of you! God is in control!Praying for his Healthcare team in interpretation and initiation of his treatment! Love you all!

  2. Prayers for Will as well as you and the family. God is in control. The Bible says where two or more father in his name, he is in the midst. I know that all of us in Will's graduating class are praying and rooting for him. He holds a special place in everyone's heart.

  3. Hello Patience. My name is David James. I don't believe we've ever met, but I am Nancy James' (nee Rose) husband. We live in Lexington. I learned (on good ol' FB) of your situation through an old high school friend, Frank Jarboe, who apparently is a friend of yours from college. Anyway, I just wanted you to know Nancy and I are thinking of you and your family during this multi-emotional, challenging time. And of course, we are hoping for the very best outcome for your son, physically and otherwise. We have a son and a daughter and it is so very hard for me to imagine how going through a situation such as this must feel. Just want to wish your son and you and your whole family the strength and faith to endure through this time. ☮ within and without.

  4. Love your faith through all perfect example, not easy to live.

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