Tuesday, July 17, 2018
I think it is safe to say that some people naturally take the "don't worry, be happy" attitude in life. And some are "Eeyores." There are some who celebrate everything and some who seem to thrive on problems. Can you relate to this? Are you one or the other? Or are you in the middle somewhere?
I think we all probably go through phases in life that are happier than others (good relationships, successes, births) and we all experience tough things (illness, injury, loss, defeat). But it is how we face these things that defines us. And it is how we find joy in the midst of the difficult that shows our constitution.
So if we wanted to look for joy where might we find it?
God created the heavens and the earth and they are very good. Whether it is the sound of the crickets in the evening or the brilliance of the fireflies in the meadow, the whispy clouds overhead or the rushing waters of a brook, God's creativity surrounds us every day. But often we are too busy to recognize it or to enjoy it. Pay attention. What do you see? What do you hear? What do you feel? What do you smell? Savor it. Remember that it is a reflection of God's very nature and enjoy it. He made it for you.
I remember saying the blessing at lunchtime in my home one day when I was about 12 or so. It was raining outside and had been for a couple of days. In my blessing for the food I included some things I was thankful for. I remember thanking God for the sunshine because, as I said, "it is shining somewhere." Later, Mother told me that she had been amazed by that attitude about the weather. Sometimes it isn't as pretty as we would like. But all in all, it's pretty amazing.
Our health can be the same way sometimes. We might not always feel good. We might have to deal with an injury or an illness or the death of someone we love. But usually we can look around and find something to the thankful for and to rejoice over.
Look at the Apostle Paul. He found himself having been beaten or stoned on more than one occasion. Yet he reminded his readers that he counted it a privilege to be in his situation. He found joy in the Lord.
People are usually pretty social beings. We find joy and fulfillment in our relationships. Now sometimes those relationships are with critters like horses or dogs or cats or something because they give such unconditional love and don't talk back. But in my mind, real fulfillment comes with strong relationships with family and friends. At times we'd like to write them off and move on with our lives. But they probably feel the same way about us. So rather than take our family and friends for granted, we need to pay attention to them and find the things in them that cause us to smile. After all, God gave them to us and we should enjoy them.
Is it okay to find joy in getting things accomplished? Certainly. Whether it is the sense of satisfaction in getting the kids successfully deposited at their various schools with all of their lunches and backpacks or landing that major corporate deal, we should celebrate our accomplishments every day. Yesterday I was able to facilitate getting something stocked in one of the Pyxis stations at the hospital -- something the area had needed for a long time but hadn't known how to get -- and I celebrated the sense of accomplishment. My co-workers laughed at me last week when I made a call to the grounds crew to request that they weed a forgotten flower bed on campus. But how cool it was to walk by it this week and see that it was cleaned up and refreshed. Sometimes it is the little things in life that can bring us joy.
There are so many things that can bring us joy if we just take the time to recognize them:

I think we all probably go through phases in life that are happier than others (good relationships, successes, births) and we all experience tough things (illness, injury, loss, defeat). But it is how we face these things that defines us. And it is how we find joy in the midst of the difficult that shows our constitution.
So if we wanted to look for joy where might we find it?
God created the heavens and the earth and they are very good. Whether it is the sound of the crickets in the evening or the brilliance of the fireflies in the meadow, the whispy clouds overhead or the rushing waters of a brook, God's creativity surrounds us every day. But often we are too busy to recognize it or to enjoy it. Pay attention. What do you see? What do you hear? What do you feel? What do you smell? Savor it. Remember that it is a reflection of God's very nature and enjoy it. He made it for you.
I remember saying the blessing at lunchtime in my home one day when I was about 12 or so. It was raining outside and had been for a couple of days. In my blessing for the food I included some things I was thankful for. I remember thanking God for the sunshine because, as I said, "it is shining somewhere." Later, Mother told me that she had been amazed by that attitude about the weather. Sometimes it isn't as pretty as we would like. But all in all, it's pretty amazing.
Our health can be the same way sometimes. We might not always feel good. We might have to deal with an injury or an illness or the death of someone we love. But usually we can look around and find something to the thankful for and to rejoice over.
Look at the Apostle Paul. He found himself having been beaten or stoned on more than one occasion. Yet he reminded his readers that he counted it a privilege to be in his situation. He found joy in the Lord.
People are usually pretty social beings. We find joy and fulfillment in our relationships. Now sometimes those relationships are with critters like horses or dogs or cats or something because they give such unconditional love and don't talk back. But in my mind, real fulfillment comes with strong relationships with family and friends. At times we'd like to write them off and move on with our lives. But they probably feel the same way about us. So rather than take our family and friends for granted, we need to pay attention to them and find the things in them that cause us to smile. After all, God gave them to us and we should enjoy them.
Is it okay to find joy in getting things accomplished? Certainly. Whether it is the sense of satisfaction in getting the kids successfully deposited at their various schools with all of their lunches and backpacks or landing that major corporate deal, we should celebrate our accomplishments every day. Yesterday I was able to facilitate getting something stocked in one of the Pyxis stations at the hospital -- something the area had needed for a long time but hadn't known how to get -- and I celebrated the sense of accomplishment. My co-workers laughed at me last week when I made a call to the grounds crew to request that they weed a forgotten flower bed on campus. But how cool it was to walk by it this week and see that it was cleaned up and refreshed. Sometimes it is the little things in life that can bring us joy.
There are so many things that can bring us joy if we just take the time to recognize them:
- the laughter of children
- fun colors
- strange bugs
- amazing aromas
- smiles
- music
- washed dishes
- a good book
- memories
- a picnic
- a game
Honestly the list can be endless. We just have to make ourselves look sometimes.
And don't forget. "The joy of the Lord is my strength." (Nehemiah 8:10) And joy is a fruit of the Spirit. (Galatians 5:22) Joy comes in the morning. (Psalm 30) Christ is the good news that brought great joy to the land. (Luke 2:10
Lord, may we always find joy in you.
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