Saturday, September 16, 2017

Let God Handle It: Finances

Saturday, September 16, 2017

How do you handle your finances? Very carefully. But if you don't include God in your financial strategies, you'll be wasting your time. 

Do I have to do one of those -- you know -- budgets?

Well, in order to get anywhere financially, the bottom line is this: spend less than you make. Period. 

So do you think that might include sitting down and figuring out how much money is coming in each month and how much is going out? Yep. So get a paper and pencil and start on that "b" word today!

What should be included in a budget?

INCOME from all sources. 
When does your paycheck arrive each month and how much is on it. 

Tithe 10% off the top. This shows God your obedience to His word and let's Him know that you trust Him.  
Save 10% off the top. 
Add up all expenditures for the month. 

INCOME should be greater than OUTGO. 
If not, you either have to make more money or spend less. 

Can God handle your finances? Of course He can. But this is a little like the story about the man in the storm who expected God to deliver him. You've got to use something God blessed you with -- common sense. Make a plan. Put it into action. And trust the Lord to provide. 

Don't forget when things start going much more nicely with your finances to give God the glory. He loves taking care of you. 

Thank you, Lord, for handling the obstacles in our lives. There are so many that try to distract and overwhelm us. Help us to depend on you and your direction in our lives, for you, alone, can navigate it safely. 

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