Sunday, February 28, 2021

Lenten Devotional Guide

 Sunday, February 28, 2021

Hallelujah!  He is risen!

A Lenten Devotional Guide



Sundays are not counted in the 40 days of Lent.

Worship well today.


Hallelujah! He is Risen!
prepared for First United Methodist Church of Homosassa, Florida
Spring 2011
compiled by Patience Nave, Christian Education Coordinator
reproduced and edited by Patience Fort

Saturday, February 27, 2021

Tenth Day of Lent

 Saturday, February 27, 2021

Hallelujah!  He is risen!
A Lenten Devotional Guide


Do good to those who hate you.
Luke 6:27

Doing good to those who hate you is, for me, one of the most difficult principles of the Christian life. I can pray for someone who doesn't like me but performing an actual act of kindness forces me to rely on God's Spirit and strength.

I undercut my intention to do good by wondering, "What if my kindness is rebuffed?" or "What if the person just dislikes me more?" Only by finally asking, "Do I want to disobey God?" do I get back to the real challenge facing me.

I say something kind to the person. Maybe I say something nice about the person to someone else. Or I offer to lend a book I've heard the person wants to read. I help meet a need, which I could have legitimately ignored. Usually doing good is a simple act that I would do joyfully for a friend. But little deeds become big acts of faith when I do them -- simply because the Lord asks me to do so -- for someone who dislikes me.

Jesus wants us to deal with others as he has dealt with us. Easter helps me remember that Christ gave his life for me while I was alienated from him. So I show his love by extending goodness to someone who is alienated from me. When doing good to an "enemy" seems an impossible assignment, it helps me to recall the encouragement from Philippians 4:13, "I can do everything through him who gives me strength." Then it is in his strength that I set out to obey.

God, help me demonstrate your love by doing good to those who don't like me. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Hallelujah! He is Risen!
prepared for First United Methodist Church of Homosassa, Florida
Spring 2011
compiled by Patience Nave, Christian Education Coordinator
reproduced and edited by Patience Fort

Friday, February 26, 2021

Ninth Day of Lent

 Friday, February 26, 2021

Hallelujah!  He is risen!
A Lenten Devotional Guide


O give thanks to the Lord, for he is good,
for his steadfast love endures forever.
O give thanks to the Lord, for he is good,
for his steadfast love endures forever.
O give thanks to the Lord, for he is good,
for his steadfast love endures forever.
Psalm 136: 1-3 RSV

I just love this Psalm! I have read it over and over, in every Bible that I have, and I always see something there that I have not seen before. And those good "new" tidbits are wonderful, but they are not the reason I love the Psalm.

I love this Psalm because it reassures me of the constancy of God. In this crazy, changing world, God never changes. The world reflects his absolute dependability as its sun rises in the morning and sets in the afternoon. Absolutely dependable. The stars appear at night and the ones I know are right there where they were when I saw them last. Absolutely dependable. The moon is a little sliver and grows in size until it is full, then decreases to a sliver again. Absolutely dependable. Pulled by that moon's gravity, the tides are so predictable that a good meteorologist can tell to the minute when the tide will be high and when it will be low. Absolutely dependable. God provides certain constants in this world to reveal what he is like. Absolutely dependable.

In another Psalm, we read, "The heavens declare the glory of God." (Psalm 19:1)

Steadfast is a lovely word! I am so grateful that my God is absolutely dependable! Absolutely steadfast! How beautifully Jesus portrays this to us as he moved toward the cross without a moment's wavering!

Lord I take great joy in knowing that you are steadfast in your love of me, your needy child. Please teach me to be like you, steadfast in my love for you. Amen

Hallelujah! He is Risen!
prepared for First United Methodist Church of Homosassa, Florida
Spring 2011
compiled by Patience Nave, Christian Education Coordinator
reproduced and edited by Patience Fort

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Eighth Day of Lent

 Thursday, February 25, 2021

Hallelujah!  He is risen!
A Lenten Devotional Guide

by Don Holcomb

In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God.
John 1:1 KJV

And God said, let there be light, and there was light.
Genesis 1:3 

Words are important -- especially God's words. John tells us that the Word became flesh and dwelt among us as the Son (second person of the Trinity).

Jesus could cast out demons, heal the sick and raise people from the dead with His words, and He passed on to us the ability to do greater things than He did through the Holy Spirit in us (third person of the Trinity).

Therefore, as possessors of the Holy Spirit, we must carry on the tradition and speak God's Words wherever we have opportunity. Billy Graham's message is very simple, but he has ministered to millions because he speaks God's Word of forgiveness and salvation for each person.

We do not have to be concerned with the results. We just have to stay true to God's Word and witness for Him whenever we have opportunity. We need to go forth as the Spirit-filled disciples did after Pentecost, boldly proclaiming God's Words of forgiveness and salvation for all.  For if we do not, who will? As a result many may be lost.

God's Word, once proclaimed, will not return void.

Lord help us to understand the power you have granted us through the Holy Spirit, so we may boldly proclaim your Word and stand fast on that Word in our community. As children adopted into your family to be joint heirs with Jesus, open our understanding of the spiritual power you grant us to change the world through speaking your Word. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Hallelujah! He is Risen!
prepared for First United Methodist Church of Homosassa, Florida
Spring 2011
compiled by Patience Nave, Christian Education Coordinator
reproduced and edited by Patience Fort

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Seventh Day of Lent

 Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Hallelujah!  He is risen!
A Lenten Devotional Guide

by Karen Christian

The thief comes only to steal, and kill and destroy; I came that they might have life, and might have it abundantly.
John 10:10

Last year I wrote in the devotional about the peace that I asked for from Jesus, and received for a nickel! Since then, God has worked a miracle in our lives that continues to bless me, my husband, and all who hear about it.

When I became a "new creation," Jesus moved in and began doing great works, just like He promised. Old things have passed away and all things have become new. And because all that God does for us are gifts, all I've had to do is receive, "that my joy may be in you." Now when I read the Bible, the Spirit of Truth reveals new understanding to me. I have eyes that see and ears that hear.

Our marriage is more than restored; our health is above and beyond all we could ask for. In other words, God has made us whole, just like He promised.

In James 1:17, it says that all good things come down from above, so even I could figure out all bad things must come from somewhere else. And once I identified the culprit, I threw him out of our lives with the power of the spoken Word.

His praise shall continually be in my mouth....

Father, Thank you for the abundance that life holds for us when we put our faith and trust in you. Thank you that you protect us from the thief who would come to take that away.

Hallelujah! He is Risen!
prepared for First United Methodist Church of Homosassa, Florida
Spring 2011
compiled by Patience Nave, Christian Education Coordinator
reproduced and edited by Patience Fort

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Sixth Day of Lent

 Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Hallelujah!  He is risen!
A Lenten Devotional Guide

by Bill Gilbert


Jesus asked his disciples, "Who do you say I am?"
Mark 8:30 NIV

Tracing that question in my own life is a pattern, I'm sure, many others have experienced.

Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so.
Little ones to Him belong, they are weak but He is strong.

I remember Sunday School as a little boy singing this song every Sunday as our teacher told us stories about this man, Jesus. In my early years, my picture of this man was of someone who was tall and stately and had a light about Him that no one else ever had.

As I grew older, I have to confess I did not study this man's life to the extent I should have. Marriage and children brought me back to the realization I needed to have Jesus in my life. And seek Him I have.

As we look to more understanding during this Lenten period, let us all be reassured of the fact that we have the Son of God before us as a teacher and above all as our Savior. His dying on the cross for our sins takes us to our knees in reverence. Then He rose. He lives today and faithfully enriches the lives of all who trust and obey Him. Jesus said, "Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in." Revelation 3:20 

What does He ask of us? To love Him with all our heart and soul as He first loved us. Yes, "Jesus loves me, this I know."

Dearest God, you sent your son to us as a teacher and redeemer. We know that the risen Christ has altered our lives forever. He's given us reason for being and satisfies our deepest longing for His love and security always. Amen


Hallelujah! He is Risen!
prepared for First United Methodist Church of Homosassa, Florida
Spring 2011
compiled by Patience Nave, Christian Education Coordinator
reproduced and edited by Patience Fort

Monday, February 22, 2021

Fifth Day of Lent

 Monday, February 22, 2021

Hallelujah!  He is risen!

A Lenten Devotional Guide

As a result of this, many of His disciples withdrew, and were not walking with Him anymore. Jesus said therefore to the twelve, "You do not want to go away also, do you?"
John 6:66-67 NAS

Jesus had been talking about blood sacrifice, a practice not uncommon to the Jew to whom he was speaking. The chief priest sacrificed animals on their behalf for redemption from sin, so blood sacrifice did not seem as foreign to them as it does to us today. However, when he spoke of it so personally, explained to them that he was going to die, talked about himself as the "bread of heaven" and his blood as the atoning blood, they actually cried out, "This is a difficult statement; who can listen to it?" (John 6:60)

Many disciples had followed listening to his teaching, but the twelve whom he had specifically called were the ones he was teaching carefully to send out after his death to establish his church, the very church that we love today.

When he saw that many of the greater crowd walked away because his teaching was "too close for comfort," he turned to his little class of twelve learners and asked, "Are you leaving, too?" I think I can almost hear the pain in his voice. He had so little time, and he desperately wanted them to understand what he was saying.

I wonder if he doesn't say that to us today. In this country -- at least in recent years -- we have suffered little. Life has been easy -- perhaps too easy. We have heard much in church and we know a lot about what Jesus has said and about what he expects. But when we really hear Jesus say to love the one who hurts us, to give and not to hoard what he has given us, to study his Word that we might come to know him intimately, do we feel tempted to grumble that this is a "hard teaching?" Do we hear him saying to us, "Do you want to go away also?"

Father, I often take poor care of the wonderful relationship that you have established between us. Forgive me. Even when I must admit with the crowd that your teaching is sometimes difficult, help me not to go away but instead to say, "To whom shall I go? Only you have the words of eternal life." Amen

Hallelujah! He is Risen!
prepared for First United Methodist Church of Homosassa, Florida
Spring 2011
compiled by Patience Nave, Christian Education Coordinator
reproduced and edited by Patience Fort

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Sunday, February 21, 2021

 Sunday, February 21, 2021

Hallelujah!  He is risen!
A Lenten Devotional Guide


Sundays are not counted in the 40 days of Lent.

Worship well today.


Hallelujah! He is Risen!
prepared for First United Methodist Church of Homosassa, Florida
Spring 2011
compiled by Patience Nave, Christian Education Coordinator

reproduced and edited by Patience Fort

Saturday, February 20, 2021

The Fourth Day of Lent

 Saturday, February 20, 2021

Hallelujah!  He is risen!
A Lenten Devotional Guide

By Jack Eldridge

What shall we say then? Are we to continue in sin that grace may abound? By no means! How can we who died to sin still live in it?... We know that our old self was crucified with him so that the sinful body might be destroyed, and we might no longer be enslaved to sin. For he who has died is freed from sin. But if we have died with Christ we believe that we shall also live with him. For we know that Christ being raised from the dead will never die again; death no longer has dominion over him. The death he died he died to sin, once for all but the life he lives he lives to God So you must consider yourselves dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus.
Romans 6:1-14

Open my eyes, Lord, that I might see
The power of sin that hangs over me.
Jesus, my Savior, please show me the way,
To follow and serve you every day. 

Held tight in Your arms, Lord, I belong.
Your Strength and Power will make me strong.
To fight the battle against Satan's power,
I need you with me every hour. 

I want to be my own person, Lord, do it "my way."
Please show me "Your Way," Lord, I pray.
I need your Spirit as my guide,
Please keep Him ever by my side. 

Open my eyes, Lord, that I may see,
How I was meant to follow Thee.
Give me Your Love, so I might feel,
Its Strength so bold, its Power so real. 

Lord, sin is a very powerful source.
Please don't let it force me from my course
Of following You and accepting Your Love,
That will lead me to You and Heaven above.

Hallelujah! He is Risen!
prepared for First United Methodist Church of Homosassa, Florida
Spring 2011
compiled by Patience Nave, Christian Education Coordinator

reproduced and edited by Patience Fort


Friday, February 19, 2021

The Third Day of Lent

 Friday, February 19, 2021

Hallelujah!  He is risen!
A Lenten Devotional Guide

By Marge Dilling

Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
I Thessalonians 5:18 

In the fall of 2000, Walt and I began our first Disciple studies. Having always been in some kind of a Bible study group, I thought this would be a snap. I was wrong! It was a challenge that changed my life.

Sandra Garner was our teacher. She had one phrase, "Thank you, Jesus," that was heard during our classes. I wouldn't know its impact until several years later. I started early in the morning before sunrise, when I would take a walk and say, "Thank you, Jesus, for my health and enthusiasm to take this walk.” It continued.

·  Thank you, Jesus, when I trip over something in the kitchen but don't fall.

·  Thank you, Jesus, when my intestinal problems seem to be improving.

·  Thank you, Jesus, when our pastor delivers a sermon I need to hear.

·  Thank you, Jesus, when my headache disappears without need of medication.

·  Thank you, Jesus, when, after 3 days of searching, I find my glasses in the freezer!

·  Thank you, Jesus, when I recall mentoring a child in Lakewood. We were helping Fran Graham up a slope on her way to her cabin. One little boy asked if he could help us. Great! We needed help. Later I heard him say to his friends, "We have to help these people; they're old!"

·  Thank you, Jesus, when one of our precious Youth Singers recalls something they have been told a week ago.

·  Thank you, Jesus, when I see the love of grandparents in our congregation who are raising their grandchildren.

·  Thank you, Jesus, for Sandra, and thank you, Sandra, for introducing us to Jesus and making Him an ever-present part of our lives.

·  Thank you, Jesus, for Wallace Nave, for used to say, “Lord, please guide me through this day in all that I think, all that I do, and all that I say."

Thank you, Jesus!

Hallelujah! He is Risen!
prepared for First United Methodist Church of Homosassa, Florida
Spring 2011
compiled by Patience Nave, Christian Education Coordinator

reproduced and edited by Patience Fort

Thursday, February 18, 2021

The Second Day of Lent

 Thursday, February 18, 2021

Hallelujah!  He is risen!
A Lenten Devotional Guide

Author: Marsha Bader

 Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears by voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me.
The Revelation 3:20 MSG

"Here I am Lord, it is I Lord, I heard you calling in the night." How glorious is that refrain, knowing that Jesus wants to have a relationship with ME! From earliest childhood, one of my favorite pictures is of Jesus knocking on the door of my heart. I answered that knock and opened wide the door so He could enter. For a long time it was a "parlor" relationship with me the hostess and Jesus the guest. But gradually through the years I found that I wanted much more than this. Little by little, I opened up all the rooms in my heart and made Jesus a part of the family.

There is a wonderful book that is a lot like my relationship with Christ. The title is, “My Heart—Christ’s Home,” by Robert Boyd Munger. "The text speaks of the unbelievable good news, that the crucified and risen Lord will be at home in the heart through believing and will be available as Savior and Friend in all situations and conditions." As in most books, the final chapter is the best part. For years I was trying to keep this heart clean and available for Christ, and it was hard work. It wasn't until I let Him take over the deed and ownership of my heart and have the full responsibility of keeping this heart right that the atmosphere changed. From then on I have been His forever. He is the head of the household and I am His servant.

Dearest Lord, to think that you truly desire a relationship with me is almost too much to take in! You want to make my heart your dwelling place. Help me to keep it clean, full of love, and to share it with all who will listen and want to know you. I know that I can’t manage this Christian life without your strength. Thank you for being ever present in my life and making me your own. Amen

Hallelujah! He is Risen!
prepared for First United Methodist Church of Homosassa, Florida
Spring 2011
compiled by Patience Nave, Christian Education Coordinator
reproduced and edited by Patience Fort


Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Ash Wednesday, The First Day of Lent

 Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Hallelujah!  He is risen!

A Lenten Devotional Guide

Author: anonymous

And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God – to those who are called according to his purpose.
Romans 8:28 NAS

Our marriage was good and our children brought us a lot of joy. We did fun things together as a family: camping, swimming and skiing in the beautiful northeastern United States. We worked hard and were by most standards a good family that most people would want to have for neighbors.

All our lives we have been in the church. We sang in the choir and loved the church music. We listened to the pastor and tried to live in the way we thought we should. The natural thing was to take our children with us to church and so we faithfully did that. I worked when I was asked to do something and didn’t even complain much when I was asked to do more than I thought was my share! I believe that you would not have found much to criticize if you had known us back then. We were pretty decent. We thought that was enough!

But then something happened. I am not sure I could have told you then what it was but I know that everything began to look different. I seemed to hear God speaking to me in the sermons. I heard a clearer and more personal message to me in the music that I’d known and loved for so long.

When I look back, I realize that my faith in Jesus moved from my head to my heart and I have never been the same. All along, God had been “working together for good” the things in our lives, doing what He knew had to be done to bring us to Himself and to help me understand Him. Now Easter brings tears to my eyes as I realize what Jesus had to do to make things right between God and me. And at the same time Easter makes me want to shout for joy as I know that because He died I will not!

Father, thank you for coming, for living, for dying, and for rising again so that life for me could be filled with such abundance. Amen

Hallelujah! He is Risen!
prepared for First United Methodist Church of Homosassa, Florida
Spring 2011
compiled by Patience Nave, Christian Education Coordinator
reproduced by Patience Fort

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Hallelujah! He is risen!
A Lenten Devotional Guide

Written by Patience Fort

Many of my readers knew my mother, Patience Nave. When she was 50 years old, she graduated from Western Kentucky University with her Bachelor’s degree. She went on to earn her Masters in English and then taught in South America, China, and Florida. After serving for eight years on the Citrus County School Board in Homosassa, Florida, she began a short career as Education Coordinator/Minister in two churches: Homosassa First United Methodist Church and Rehobeth United Methodist Church in Greensboro, North Carolina (where, by the way, she celebrated her 80th birthday).

As a minister in church education, mother did all kinds of things. She went to Haiti I-don’t-know-how-many times. She wrote the curriculum for and directed vacation Bible schools. She discipled many. And she taught countless Bible study classes.

Some of the things that I cherish from Mother’s years at her churches in Florida and North Carolina are the devotional guides she developed for Advent and Lent.  I have about six years of them. And now I am able to reproduce them on my blog for all to read and enjoy. Feel free to share them with others.

I think this particular devotional guide is from the spring of 2011. She was still living in Florida and working at First United Methodist Church of Homosassa. Here is an excerpt from her introduction.


When I assumed my new responsibilities at the church, I realized that I had only three weeks to assemble this Lenten devotional booklet. Because you are such a wonderful congregation, the daunting task became much less threatening, and we met our deadline! Lyn Romano did a great job in organizing the volunteers (to write the majority of the daily entries).


Faithful disciples at Homosassa United Methodist Church have carefully and prayerfully prepared this Lenten guide.


Many people submitted a devotion; some are identified and others remain anonymous. I used almost every one that was given to me. I edited some because of length. I believe you’ll find words from people of serious faith.


We pray that our thoughts will challenge and encourage you, as you “set your face toward Jerusalem” and we celebrate the triumph of our Lord!

As you prepare for Easter 2021, my prayer is that this devotional guide will bless you beyond measure. Rejoice in the fact that Jesus Christ is alive. We do not worship a mere man. We worship the God who created life itself and who conquered death, himself.  

Hallelujah! He is Risen!
prepared for First United Methodist Church of Homosassa, Florida
Spring 2011
compiled by Patience Nave, Christian Education Coordinator