Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Prepare for Christmas: The Third Day of Advent

And Who Is Melchizedek?
Tuesday, December 4, 2018

In the past God spoke to our forefathers through the prophets at many times and in various ways, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom he made the universe. The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word. Hebrews 1:1-3a

The Word of God sometimes staggers me! I grasp something new and wonder how in the past I could have missed it. “God spoke . . . in various ways.” In various ways! What else have I missed? When I know that every word is important, why have I not looked more carefully at every word so as not to miss anything he tried to tell me about himself?

The writer of Hebrews won’t begin to talk about Jesus as the Priest/King until several chapters later, but here in the prologue to his book he carefully describes exactly who Jesus is and what his authority is.

This tiny baby, meek and mild, is the absolute heir of everything that God has made and that exists. How terribly guilty I am of forgetting this. I often refer to the “house I have in Florida,” or my things I have inherited that fill my house, or who will inherit what when I die. How foolish! It is all God’s and Christ is the heir of all, not I! And not my children! The Hebrew writer says gently but clearly “Get your priorities in order. You belong to God and everything you think you have belongs to his Son!” But then the Holy spirit reminds us that the New Testament also tells us that we believers are “heirs and joint heirs with Christ.”

We draw a picture of the tiny one in the manger, put a little light around his head, and call it his halo. No. The Book tells us. It’s not his halo; it’s the radiance of God revealed in this tiny child! And though he could not speak yet in his tiny form, he still held everything together. Even the baby sounds he made became his universe sustaining word!

The Christmas Baby! Our sustainer and Priest/King!

Prayer: Father, we are an egocentric people. We think we are the rulers of our domain, small though it may be. We forget that Christ Jesus has authority over all we are and have. We forget that our just King reigns. Christmas has become for us at best a beautiful child. Help us to see him as who he really is and to trust him, small though he is, as absolute authority. Amen.

And Who is Melchizedek?
An Advent Devotional Guide
prepared for Rehobeth United Methodist Church, Winter 2012,
by Patience Nave, Christian Education Coordinator


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